• GC Exa Advanced
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GC EXA Advanced (Normal Set) - 2 x 48ml cartridges, 6 mixing tips

Regular price
RM 258.40
Regular price
RM 272.00
Sale price
RM 258.40
GC EXA Advanced (Normal Set) - 2 x 48ml cartridges, 6 mixing tips Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Hydrophilic VPS Impression Material

Product Information

With EXA Advanced VPS impression materials you get handling, accuracy, thixotropicity, elastic recovery, stackability and pourability that are second to none. The high hydrophilicity of EXA Advanced VPS materials mean they flow uniformly, eliminate voids and capture details more precisely. EXA materials offer virtually no shrinkage and are so dimensionally stable that an accurate model can be poured up to two weeks after the impression has been taken. Snap-set properties, together with extended working time make EXA Advanced very easy to use. 

Why choose EXA Advanced?

  • Rigidity and elasticity in perfect balance for optimal results
  • Resistant to tearing for an accurate reproduction of the finest preparation margins.
  • Hydrophilic to capture all details required for an accurate reproduction
  • Elasticity, together with a favourable smell and taste of the material for the best possible comfort for both patients and practitioners
  • Fully recovers from the deformation that takes place upon removal from the patient’s mouth.
  • Maintains its accuracy during days of storage and transport, due to an excellent dimensional stability

MDA Registration No: GA4380622-104610


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