• AEGA15-16XPX
  • Mouth-Guide_G11-16

American Eagles XP Technology® Gracey +3 Access 15-16, posterior, mesial

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RM 384.00
Regular price
RM 384.00
Sale price
RM 384.00
American Eagles XP Technology® Gracey +3 Access 15-16, posterior, mesial Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Gracey Access curette, double angled for all mesial surfaces of posterior teeth. Better angling than 11-12 for even better access. Access instruments have a 3 mm longer 1st shank and a 50% shorter working end. 10% thinner than the standard version. Ideal for curettage in deep and narrow pockets.


EagleLite® plastic handle


XP Technology®

MDA Registration No. GMD77463860918A

XP Technology® is a patented process for the surface treatment of dental instrument tips. The metallurgical composition of the instrument surface is designed to make the material much more durable. Time-consuming sharpening of instruments is eliminated!

Never sharpen again.

Nano-optimised XP Technology® is used in American Eagle Instruments scalers and curettes as well as Double Gracey™ curettes as it makes it possible to produce thinner instrument tips with sharper cutting edges.

Durability of XP instruments



XP Technology®


Independent research has recognised XP Technology® as a revolutionary technological breakthrough in the dental industry.  Dr. Phillip Watson from the University of Toronto was able to demonstrate the superior durability of the XP instruments compared to standard instruments.

Research: University of Toronto, Dr. Phillip A Watson, Dept. of Biological and Diagnostic Sciences.

This unique surface technology is also used in our composite instruments. In this case, the treatment of the working ends with XP Technology® helps to prevent composite from sticking to the instrument (non-stick XP Technology®)

Cost-saving with XP Technology®

By eliminating the tedious grinding of your periodontology instruments, there are also cost-saving effects for your practice: instead of spending valuable time on sharpening, more patients can be treated. The tiresome and bothersome sharpening work is eliminated, which frees up prophylactic staff significantly. Calculate your potential savings now.


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